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Redis cheatsheet

Redis is considered a NoSQL database. I see it as a great and efficient in memory cache on steroids. I use it for storing results of large calculations so I can quickly display the results on a web page. I actually use it as a cache for a production instance of

Here's a good article about creating a dashboard using - Towards the bottom of the article check out the 'Persistance' section where there are instructions for adding Redis as the cache for dashing.

Official Docker container:
Docker command: docker run -d -p 6379:6379 -v `pwd`:/data --name redis-server redis

To run redis commands on the container, execute:
docker exec -it redis-server /bin/bash

Docker command to start redis with persistent storage:
docker run --name some-redis -d redis redis-server --appendonly yes

 That should get you to the bash shell on the container. Execute 'redis-cli' and you are ready to start creating your keys in redis.


#Start redis
#Execute commands
redis-cli <command>
set mykey somevalue
get mykey
#nx - fail if the key already exists
set mykey newval nx
#xx - set value if the key already exists
set mykey newval xx
#incr - increment
set counter 100
incr counter
incr counter
#incrby - increment by
incrby counter 50
#mset - set multiple values
mset a 10 b 20 c 30
#mget - get multiple values
mget a b c
#exists - 1 = yes, 0 = no
set mykey hello
exists mykey
#del - delete
del mykey
#type - Display data type of key
type mykey
set key some-value
expire key 5 (expires in 5 seconds)
get key
set key 100 ex 10
#ttl - time remaining before the key expires
ttl key
#List: rpush - bottom, lpush - top, lrange - extract a range of items in the list
rpush mylist A
rpush mylist B
lpush mylist first
lrange mylist 0 -1 (list from zero to last element)
lrange mylist 0 -2 (list from zero to penultimate element i.e. last element minus one)
lrange mylist 0 -3 (list from zero to last element minus two)
#rpop - pop from the right (bottom)
rpop mylist
#ltrim - sets the range of elements as the new list value
ltrim mylist 0 2 (sets the range 0 to 2 as the new value of mylist)
#ltrim - retains only the first 1000 newest elements on the list
ltrim mylist 0 999
##Blocking operations on list - Producer consumer model. Producers call lpush. Consumers call rpop.
##brpop, blpop - return to the caller only when a new element is added to the list or when a user specified timeout is reached.
#Wait for elements in the list 'tasks', but return after 5 seconds if no elements are present
brpop tasks 5
#zero timeout means wait forever
brpop tasks 0
##blocking pop on multiple lists with timeout.
#Wait for multiple lists at the same time and get notified when the first list receives an element.
brpop tasks schedules 10
#Safer queues or rotating queues
rpoplpush (try it)
brpoplpush (try it)
#Create or add to a hash
hmset user:1000 username antirez birthyear 1977 verified 1
#Get single value from hash
hget user:1000 username
#Get all values as a list from hash
hgetall user:1000
#Get multiple values from hash
hmget user:1000 username birthyear no-such-field
#Increment integer value stored in a hash
hincrby user:1000 birthyear 10

#Add new elements to a set
sadd myset 1 2 3

#Return all elements of a set
smembers myset

#Check if an element exists in the set: 0 - no, 1 - yes
sismember myset 2

#Intersection of sets: List all objects with specific tag values
sinter tag:1:news tag:2:news tag:5:news

#Extract a random element from the set
spop myset

#Extract multiple random elements from the set
spop myset 3

#Union of sets
sunionstore set1 set2 set3

#Cardinality of the set: Number of elements in the set
scard myset

#Random element without removing from the set
srandmember myset

#Multiple random elements without removing from the set
srandmember myset 3

##Sorted sets
#Add elements to the sorted set: zadd <score or sort-key> <element>
zadd fruit 50 apples
zadd fruit 20 oranges
zadd fruit 400 bananas
zadd fruit 10 guavas
zadd fruit 5 papayas
zadd fruit 500 berries

#Show all elements in the sorted set in ascending order of score
zrange fruit 0 -1

#Show all elements in the sorted set in descending order of score
zrevrange fruit 0 -1

#Show sorted elements of the set with scores
zrange fruit 0 -1 withscores

#Show sorted elements up to a certain score inclusive: Show all fruit with count up to 20. Should display papayas, guavas and oranges in the order listed.
zrangebyscore fruit -inf 20

#Remove range of elements from the sorted set: Removes papayas, guavas and oranges
zremrangebyscore fruit 5 20

#Rank: Position of an element in the sorted set
zrank fruit apples

#Lexicographical scores
#Show all elements lexicographically starting with specific characters: Shows bananas, berries and oranges
zrangebylex fruit [b [o

#Delete mutliple keys with the same prefix
redis-cli keys prefix:* | xargs redis-cli DEL

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