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Showing posts from July, 2015

Docker Deep Dive on Camp Pluralsight - A good experience

Docker is a great tool that allows IT teams to build, ship and run their application in a single reusable container. I found out after I took a course about Docker on . In the last six months, I switched from building my own Virtual Box VMs to Vagrant and I was thrilled. I could not stop talking about Vagrant. I use Vagrant for building my own little development environments and I shared one of them with my team. Ravi Kalaga has been telling me great things about Docker. I tried to set it up on my Windows 7 laptop, but I was struggling to make it work over the corporate firewall. Along came,  Camp Pluralsight . I was already reaping benefits of having a Pluralsight subscription through my employer and I had taken three courses (alright, I didn't finish two them) on the site before this camp came along. Yes, the possibility of winning an iWatch did appeal to me in Week 1. The rest of the prizes, Silicon Valley Comic Con 2016 and a gift card for some str