One of the critical things to remember for working with a AWS VPC is creating and using it. I had hard time remembering how to do it, so, I wrote down a cheat sheet for myself. If anyone wants to follow along, just navigate to the VPC page on the AWS Console and start with 'Create VPC' button. Please note that this may cost some dollars if you are not on the free tier. If you are on the free tier and make mistakes, it may cost some dollars. In the steps below, we will be creating the following on a new VPC: An internet gateway One public subnet with routes for accessibility from the internet One private subnet without any routes One EC2 web server with Apache installed in it and serving a sample html page - using the public subnet. One EC2 server with the private subnet and security group that allows access to resources running on the public subnet only. Create VPC Name tag: myVPC CIDR Block: Tenancy: default (Must have default. Otherwise, it